Since my blog receive many many feedback from the peoples' complaining that my blog is fulfill with the spider webs and dust and etc...So without any blah blah blah..
lemme start my first ever update via wishing all the readers and and peoples who enjoy read my blog---> A VERY VERY VERY HAPPY 2010 YEAR AND ADVANCE!!!!Today is 09/01/2010, my colleagues and i actually was celebrate a farewell party for my colleague whom will be leave Public Bank in coming Wednesday due to his resignation so i am here to wish him all the best in his future and happy enjoy in his new work place.actually i am not feeling very very well to attend this dinner, but cos of celebrate this meaningful event i promise myself DIE DIE MUST GO!!!!!In this dinner, we are just like usual having a nice and funny conversation while waiting our meal serve in front of us for almost 1 hour!!!!!
I guess u will never imagine that serve a sandwich set need 1 hour 30 mins rite???

can u imagine how desperate that i wait for my meal???
I am not bluffing and no jokes!!!! It is true!!!! It is hell true!!! but the sandwich set is worth for wait for that long long time cos the size of that sandwich is really as big as abc!!!! and my colleagues is challenge my size of mouth whether my mouth size can be able to take it, but finally i make it!!!!wahahaha....but in other of hand, i scared them too cos i eat just like the lion tear the flesh from its prey!!!! I am very very sorry about that i show my an
other rough face to scared u all, i never mean to scared u all.

can u imagine how big is my mouth???
haha.... wanna challenge me???
SORRY!!!By the way, today i also wear my superman shirt to attend the dinner, at beginning i am quite hesitating wanted to wear it or not cos i scared let people laugh cos all my shirt still havent wash yet so no ideal i am forced to wear the SUPERMAN shirt...I think it is the time to let u all see some photo, will update again when i receive the new photo in the future...
the final picture nice capture by our professional camera man -->ERIC!!!!
Thank to him very very much for helping us captured so many of beautiful picture